Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This is the picture of my children that I intend to have printed tomorrow, to hang prominently in our family room. And I love it. Not only is it rootin-tootin' cute, but it displays their personalities so well. Annemarie is so sunny, Cole is so enthusiastically quirky, and Micah is a bit more reserved, yet cuddly and happy.
In every "leaf" picture we've taken (this is our third year now) the colors of the leaves are just fabulous, but I love most of all how everyone's hair matches the leaves. So while we may have to wear a whole heckuva lot of sunscreen, our family's collective hair matches the autumn leaves...............................sigh...................................

1 comment:

Jovi said...

gorgeous picture :) :)

but not too much sunscreen, mama! don't forget how very, very vital vitamin d is to their short term and long term health (look at all those v words in a row!)