Thursday, March 26, 2009

You Can Call Me Socrates

I've decided that the problem with teaching is the grading.

I mean, showing up somewhere and talking for awhile is something that I do rather naturally all the time. Yes, the problem is the grading. And I suppose that it wouldn' t be such a big deal if I only had the students who write the extremely readable and factually correct papers all the time, but uh, none of us have more than a couple of those in any given class.

If we are lucky.

So in my fantasy career world, I am much more like a Socrates, with followers who come to sit at my feet, to hear what I have to say, and then we all engage in a rousing discussion. And what wisdom we come up with! How we resolve the world's problems! And there would be coffee, lots of coffee, and some sort of other yummy snack always around.

Oh, but not the "Socrates, you corrupted the minds of the youth of Greece, so we will kill you" part. Yeah, not so hot on hemlock in my coffee.

And this is why I keep grading.

1 comment:

Jovi said...

grading sucks! also i miss you- will try to call this week :)